Friday, 3 December 2010

Percutian keluarga di Perth, Australia 24 -30 Nov. 2010

Perth International Airport

24 Nov 2010 : Sampai Perth International Airport pukul 5.00 pagi tetapi cuaca dah cerah seperti waktu Sabah. Setelah selesai pemeriksaan imigresen dan kastam terus berehat di sekitar airport. Kemudian menaiki teksi (connect) ke Mountbay Holiday Resort. Selepas check-in, berjalan-jalan di Hay St.

25 Nov. 2010

7.30am : left hotel and walked to Kings Park which is about 300m from Apt. The park was well maintained, clean and beautiful. It was amazing scenery of Perth city looking from Kings Park. Strolling there and back at 12.00 noon. Had lunch and rest.

4pm left Apt. to Mt Bay Village bus stop to catch up a free Blue CAT Bus service around Perth city.
6.30pm: back to Apt.  had dinner with special menu of boiled eggs mixed with noodles and rice.

26 Nov 2010 Friday

7.00am Left Apt. for Freo or Freemantle. Blue CAT from Apt. to Perth Railway station. Depart at 8.00am ($18.50/5 person). Reached Freo at 8.40am. Walked along Market St., then Freemantle Market, and E-Shed Market (these markets open 3 days a week i.e. Friday to Sunday). Bought a new camera ($165.00) coz old camera wasn't functioning since yesterday. Many stall owners at vegetable and fruit sections of Freo Market are of Asian origin. Met a Malaysian Ph.d. Student's wife who works part-time as shop assistant at Shed Market. 

Train back to Perth at 3.30pm ($18.50/5)


4.15 pm Had lunch at Indonesian Restaurant ($45). 
5.30pm Back to Apt. 
Did laundry at Apt. ($6.00). Went to Woolworth Supermarkets to buy some groceries ($22.00) at St. Georges Tce. and back at 8.30pm.

27/11/10 Saturday
7.30am ; walked along St Georges St., Mill St., Hay St. with Linda, the children were       tired and didn't join. Met several M'sians, on vacation too. We enquired a few car rental operators along the road to get the best rate. Met an Aussie couple from Sydney who    came to Perth by train. The journey was 3 days and 3 nights and told us they enjoyed it. 
Back to hotel at 11.30am. 
Had lunch at 12.00.
3.00pm strolling at Murray St., London Court, Hay St Mall.
5.30 pm at Swan Bell witnessing sunset over Swan River.
7.15pm back to Apt. Repacking our bags coz will check out tomorrow.
4 nights stay at this hotel costs us $596.00.

John Forest

Perth Vineyard Chalet

Caversham Wildlife Park

28 Nov 2010 Sunday
7.15am ; walked alone to pick up a car. Went to Avis at Hill St. But the rate was higher    than quoted the day before. Backed to Hertz co. at Hamilton st and got a cheaper rate ($285/3days). 
9.30am; check out from mountway holiday Apt. and drove to Swan Valley.
10.30; reached Perth Vineyard Resort. After confirming our stay, went to whiteman park, 
then to Caversham Wildlife park (tickets $98/5persons) to mingle with kangaroos, koalas, 
sheep etc. There was a 'live farm show' toward the end of the visit which include how       the sheep were moved to ranch by dog, ‘skinning the sheep’, etc .
3.00pm; back to Resort and rest.
6.00pm; drove around Swan Valley to see grape plantation as sunset.

London Court Arcade, Perth

29/11/10 Monday

9.00am Left Resort for Cottesloe Beach. Along the way we stopped at North Beach and 
Scaborough which are also a beach town. At Cottesloe, we experienced Indian ocean water.
 It was cold despite hot temperature (36C). 
12.00 left Cottesloe for Mandurah. Rest at Kwinana beach to have lunch.
3.30pm reached Mandurah. Took pics of some beautiful houses and left for Swan Valley.
6.30pm reached Resort and rest.

Mandurah - a beautiful housing park, surrounded by sea-water

Cottesloe Beach

30/11/10 Tuesday
9.30am; check out. Sight seeing Swan Valley particularly the grape plantation. Then       went to Freemantle.
11.00; Reached Freemantle and bought some souvenirs, then back to Perth.

2.00 pm: reached Langley Park. Picnic with packed lunch with the backdrop of beautiful scenery of Swan River.

Swan River

Early morning gazing at the grape plantation

4.00pm; left for Swan Valley again, then to Lavender Hill. Watching Perth city from the highest point near Perth.

6.10pm ; left for airport
6.30pm ; reached airport but it was still early to return the car. Drove to nearest petrol    pump station to refuel the car (Car rental policy in Perth : Return with full tank as we take with full tank). Then went straight to airport. Return the car at Hertz counter at the airport.
8.30pm: Had cappucinno at the airport café whereby it happened that the café girl is a malay from Singapore who work in Perth.

This is the car we hired for 3 days

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